How we can help

You Have Options

DIY - Do It Yourself Negotiation
This option is for couples who have been able to reach an agreement themselves.

We’re here to answer your questions, provide advice about the legal implications of your settlement deal and then prepare your settlement documents to finalise everything for you.
Read about a DIY Negotiation here
Sometimes you need extra help to resolve matters and reach an agreement.

This option involves engaging an independent mediator (who may be a lawyer, counsellor, psychologist or Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner) who facilitates your discussions with a view to resolving matters with you.

Jacqueline Philip is an Accredited NMAS Mediator.
Meet Jacqueline Philip
We also work with many great mediators – ask us for a recommendation.

We will prepare you for mediation, provide you with legal advice about a range of settlement outcomes, and empower you to make well informed decisions.

Alternatively, you and your partner may prefer to have your lawyers present at mediation – this is one of our specialities.

If you’re able to reach agreement in mediation, you may come away with a Parenting Plan or Heads of Agreement. The next step is to document your settlement agreement in a legal and binding fashion.
Read about a Mediation here
Collaborative Process
This option is similar to mediation although you will work with collaboratively trained lawyers and neutral or independent parenting/child experts and financial specialists.

We all work together as a team, not against one another. Our focus is both your interests and goals at all times - you are in the driver's seat.

We also have the freedom to be more creative with settlement solutions that will work for you and your family long term.

We will then legally document your settlement agreement. We work with many collaboratively trained or likeminded collaborative professionals in this space – please ask us for a recommendation.
Read about a Collaborative Process hereMeet Jacqueline Philip
Lawyer Assisted Negotiation

Lawyer assisted negotiation is an option most common for separating couples when you can’t agree or communication has broken down. Many people assume that their only option is to engage a lawyer to undertake all of their negotiations and they become the by-standers in their future.

Understandably, this conjures up fear about increasing conflict and incurring significant legal costs. Our aim to is move you through this process in the most swift, amicable and cost effective way.

We may suggest moving towards mediation or a settlement conference (with your partner and their lawyer) which shifts the focus towards potential settlement outcomes and away from those fears.
Read about a Lawyer Assisted Negotiation here

The court process is your last resort.

Unfortunately for some separating couples, court is an option they are forced into, especially when there is a high level of conflict and communication has broken down.

Whilst we have the necessary expertise in helping you with your court case, our aim is to get you through the process as quickly and cost effectively as possible.

Damage may be limited with an early settlement agreement. If resolution cannot be achievedin the early stages of the court process, those fears of unnecessary delays, poor communication, increased conflict and significant legal costs become a reality. The damage is further intensified by court imposed outcomes.
Read about Court here
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