How we can help

Parenting Matters

Children have rights – Parents have responsibilities

We know your children are the most important people in your life and that's why our focus is to guide you along the most appropriate pathway to achieving the best outcome for their future.

Parenting arrangements differ from family to family and largely depend on the needs of your children and how well you and your ex can co-parent and communicate...
Read more about Parenting here

Property Settlement

My property entitlements - what is fair?

Negotiating a property settlement, in contemplation of entering into a new relationship or following the breakdown of one, can be complicated especially when this conjures up fear about your financial future and ensuring you get it right.

Regardless, if you’re amicable, heading into mediation or the collaborative process, negotiating with lawyers, or end up in court, the steps are the same to get you to an agreement...
Read more about Property Settlement here

Child Support Agreements

I need financial support for our kids

In addition to Family Law Parenting and Financial matters, other issues often require attention when negotiating and reaching a final settlement, including:
+ Binding Child Support     Agreements
+ Limited Child Support     Agreements
Read more about Child Support Agreements here

Wills and Powers of Attorney

A separation and divorce may impact on your current Wills or Powers of Attorney.

We can assist you with general advice about this and also update these documents to ensure you have all your bases covered now and for your new future.
Read about Wills & Powers of Attorney here


When can I file for divorce?

You can apply for a Divorce once you have been separated for 12 months and there is no intention of reconciliation.

An Application for Divorce is generally straightforward although if you have children under 18 years, have been separated under the one roof during your 12 month separation period, or you do not know the whereabouts of your ex-spouse, the process gets a little more difficult.
Read more about Divorce here


I need help!

We can also assist with various summary crime or Police matters including:
+ Driving offences
+ Theft
+ Assault
+ Children’s Court
+ Victims of Crime Applications
Read more about Criminal Offences here

Family Violence & Intervention Orders

IVOs – shield or sword?

Whilst our focus is to avoid court and unnecessary litigation, there times when this cannot be avoided, including where family violence has occurred during a relationship, or following separation.

We can provide you with specialist attention, legal advice and much needed support in these circumstances, regardless of whether you’re a victim of family violence or have been accused of perpetrating family violence:
+ Family Violence Intervention    Orders
+ Personal Safety Intervention    Orders
+ Breaches of Intervention Orders
Read more about Intervention Orders here

Spousal & Adult Child Maintenance

I need financial support for myself and our adult kids

In addition to Family Law Parenting and Financial matters, other issues often require attention when negotiating and reaching a final settlement, including:
+ Adult child maintenance (for     children 18 and over who are     attending tertiary study or     have special needs)
+ Spousal maintenance claims
Read more about Spousal & Adult Child Maintenance here
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